WordsTo Me, words mean something. This morning I noticed my decor. I have the day off from work today. I found myself slowing down and looking at my style while my coffee brewed. My style developed organically. I just put together stuff I liked over the years. Call it eclectic collector. I noticed a lot of words. There are always a ton of books in our house. All of us are readers. But there are other touches. 

I smiled at my coffee cup that reads “Celebrate the Savior.” Yes I know it’s a “Christmas” mug but, it makes me happy in the morning. I put out a fresh dish towel stating in elegant script “Eat Drink and be Thankful.” I give a small prayer of thanks. Looking around my kitchen/dining room I see sayings on different items such as “Live Well…Laugh Often…Love Much” and “Put Some South in Your Mouth.” In my hall there is a long narrow sign simply stating “SIMPLFY.” These are a few of my wordy items.

I took time this morning to remember where and why I purchased these items. For example, the sign “Live Well…Laugh Often…Love Much” was bought by mail order at time in my life about fifteen years ago when I needed more laughter in my life. It was a frivolous purchase that makes me smile and giggle when I see it. The “Put Some South in Your Mouth,” would not remind most people of the autumn leaves but, that is what I think of when I see it. I purchased the towel almost two years ago on the Blue Ridge Parkway as we drove through the magnificent autumn glory on my trip to be a “Leaf Peeper.”

I realized this fascination with words has permeated all that I do in life without my realizing it before. As a girl I wanted to be a doctor or a writer. Writing was discouraged by well-meaning friends, family, and teachers. I was never good at english or grammar. Back in the day we didn’t have word processing to back us up. Therefore without the skills to write so readers could understand; I couldn’t be a writer. Or so was the logic. I set my dream aside. The Doc thing didn’t work out either. This is a good thing for potential patients. While I have an aptitude for the sciences and math I would make a squeamish and surly doctor.

Interestingly enough I have worked in fields that combine science, math, and words. In my current position words have incredible impact with far-reaching ramifications. I enjoy my work but I am approaching the end of an almost thirty year career. In my personal life I read every chance I get. On any given day I have at least three novels, one or two non-fiction, and two devotional/study type books in progress. I just finished a delicious regency romance this morning. Ahh…what next? …suspense, mystery, Hmmm… And then there is “THE NET” with its plethora of words! I love to write words because when I have trouble pronouncing words, I can express them in writing. Words like “Plethora” (which I couldn’t spell without Spell Check) and “Machinations” (Which my son had to pronounce for me yesterday when I couldn’t wrap my tongue around it).

The bottom line is words mean something to me. When you say something to me, I feel the meaning of the words first. In church I love the scripture portion the most. When I say “Thank you” or “You’re welcome” I truly mean it. I get frustrated when someone does not take my words seriously. Words remind me to stay on track. They teach me. They nurture and encourage me. They make me laugh.

When I write for the blog, I wrestle a bit with the wording. I don’t worry about the grammar so much as expressing the thoughts and ideas as best I can. I write the entry out, in my voice. After a break I read through it a few times making changes to clarify and remove redundancy. Then I publish, hoping I have created something meaningful for us.

With my blog I have picked up my old tattered dream of writing. I am working on some projects and I am not sure what I will end up doing with them. My goal for my next phase of professional life is to work at something I love that’s different from my “career.” Something involving words…just one of my hidden true loves.

Today I am working on making my words count!

Have some fun with WORDS today!


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